Our Simple Home, The Kitchen, 2.28.23
What attracted us most about the home we have now was the location, the all brick exterior, the open, blank-canvas basement and the size. Contrary to popular opinion, the SMALL size was a huge plus for us. Barely 1,000 square feet was a great compromise for my desire for a truly tiny home and M's desire for a small, but efficient and functional home (and NOT a tiny home!).
The entire house had to be remodeled to suit our needs, but we couldn't afford to do every, single thing we wanted and needed, so the kitchen and bathroom were left super simple. Even though we have no dishwasher, very limited counter space, and a layout that is far from seamless, I honestly love this quirky little space.
I think if you embrace what you have and consider the limitations as an opportunity for creativity, the space becomes a part of who you are and evolves into something that you love with each tiny change that you make- even if those changes are just adjusting shelves, rearranging dishes, or moving the table.
Here are some before, during and after photos of our simple, inexpensive kitchen re-do.
First steps, and the most expensive- removing a wall between the kitchen and living room. |
A before and after of the wall removal, from the other side. |
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