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8 limbs, 4.11.24

  This post was going to be about burnout, and it still kind of is, but I realized that writing about working through burnout (at least for me) requires much more explanation than I originally thought. There is no way I could explain how I manage to work through any obstacle, crisis, struggle, etc. without also writing about the impact that the 8 limbs of yoga (#10 from this post ) have had, and continue to have, on my life. The thing is, they help me through so much more than hard times. They help me through all kinds of days, moods, circumstances, etc. - good, bad, and ordinary. Many people who have not gone through formal yoga training think of yoga as being just about the physical postures. But, once you begin digging into yoga philosophy (especially with fantastic teachers and mentors as I have had) you'll soon find that it is so much more than that. These tools have grounded me in a way that I never thought would be possible. Brief examples of each limb are given above, but I

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