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8 Don'ts and 1 Do, 8.17.2024

I told you in the last post why and how I ended up here: art teacher turned yoga teacher and Reiki Practitioner.  Now for the "how" I made it here, feeling better and more confident than ever? Well, I made a lot of mistakes, that's for sure ( I'll get to those below). But, in the end, I had to learn how to turn the negative into a positive. I had to look at my situation from the outside in, rather than the inside out. I had to surrender to the fact that I could only control myself and to the fact that this trauma, crisis, grief, etc. was placed before me to make me better- to learn the lesson, move on, and help others do the same. So, to recover from a traumatic event, work through a crisis, survive a loss, etc., here are my DONT'S: (feel free to add yours in the comments, as every situation is different. People experience things differently and we are all here to help each other. These suggestions come from my own experience.   1) Don't react . (If you must,

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